What is unique about Bethel?
Bethel College High School
Ref to 2 Samuel 9:13
Mephiboshet was not an attractive guest at the royal table, yet he had an open invitation from King David and the Lord invites us to share intimately with Him through Christ god raises His lowly brothers and sisters from poverty and exile to enjoy the king’s court, noble rank and royal provision.
Their deformity shall not rob them of their privileges, lameness is no bar to sonship, the disabled is as much the heir as if he could run like a gazelle. Our ability to enter may be impaired but not our right of entry. A king’s table is a noble hiding place for lame legs.
What caused the lameness?
Bad nursing in infancy- that affected Mephiboshet permanently and had it not been of grace his case could have been hopeless.
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